supplying your own

Here at Vector City we accept garments supplied by clients. However the client must be aware of the risks and in doing so, and must formally agree the terms specifield below.

The Risks

Vector City takes extra care to ensure our decoration techniques are of the highest standard. However, there are times when unforeseen errors can result in damage of the garment and/or other associated products supplied.

We strongly advise all clients wishing to supply their own products to provide at least one sacrificial item that we can use to test prior to producing the final piece(s).

However, In all cases where a client has provided their own garments, Vector City will not be held responsible for any cost of the item(s) supplied in case of faulty garments and/or damage caused through the natural decoration process. To partially mitigate faulty garments it is advisable to supply extra garments so that the process isn't delayed.

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